Wednesday, June 16, 2010


When I was four life seemed so care free, I was innocent. A year at that point was a quarter of my life and those 365 days until my next birthday seemed like ages. Now at the age of twenty a year seems like no time at all. I’m no longer innocent. The law (ten commandments) has revealed to me my need for a savior, the necessity of a perfect sacrifice, and the grace of God.

When I lived outside of the law I had no understanding of what sin was. Man to me was good. I went to church, I didn’t do what everyone else was doing, all the time. I tried to obey my parents (at times), I did my best to serve others. But all of these things were to build me up and it was on a scale made up by humans to just keep me from ‘not doing bad’ instead of pursuing God.

My next couple of posts are going to be over the ten commandments and understanding our standing with God. These fundamental borders are necessary to understanding the need for a savior, they are necessary to understand the weight of eternity and to grasp that this world we live in, these vessels we dwell in, and this life we have been given are not eternal. The ten commandments are more then suggestions they help you to realize that ‘ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’-Romans 3:23, and because we are sinners we needed a sacrifice we needed something to pay our debt and because of that…‘for God SO loved the world that He GAVE (this means it was a choice, God didn’t have to) his ONLY son that WHOEVER believes in Him will have eternal life.’ –John 3:16, and ‘While we were still sinners Christ died for us.’ –Romans 5:8 God’s love for us is eternal and there is nothing you can do to make Him love you anymore or any less than he already does.

(completely irrelevant from the above post)

Something to chew on
‘I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.’
–Revelation 3:8

‘Open the gates
that the righteous nation may enter,
the nation that keeps faith.’
-Isaiah 26:2

‘On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.’
-Acts 14:27

The works of a God fearing man will never go unnoted. The works of a God fearing church changes not only the community but changes hearts, wins souls, and preaches the Gospel. God has set before me and all of his followers an open door. It’s not just an open door but a door that no one can close except God. We have an opportunity to live the life that God intended for us. God is calling us to something greater than just ourselves. God is whispering, ‘come, listen, follow me my child. I have much to show you.’ We are but mere mortals and our lives are just a spec in light of eternity, our flesh will rot and decay before we know it. How are you going to leave this earth, as just a “good person” or someone who allowed God to rule in their life and really leave a stamp on eternity? Walk through the door.

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